Stress Less & Worry Well programme

Your brain is wired to worry, but you can learn to worry well


After attending our Stress Reduction Clinic Jane M said, "(I have learnt) how important it is to build in time during the working day to invite myself to relax." 

Are you ready to understand how stress may be affecting your personal and professional life?

"I think I spend a lot of time being stressed without realising it and therefore being stressed to some extent is the norm (sadly)."  (A.W)

Unfortunately, being stressed is the norm. Yes, there are good stressors which enable us to achieve and stretch our boundaries. Yet, bad stress is becoming an ever increasing problem.

The more we become used to stress in our life; the sort that worries about paying the bills, having enough food to eat, keeping a job and staying healthy, all this worry takes a toll on our body and mind in the longer term.

Through learning how to de-stress and worry well, you are supporting health in body and  mind.


Yes, some stress can motivate you to achieving more. Too much stress, however, can have a negative impact on your mind, body and spirit.


The stress response in our bodies doesn't just respond to physical danger, it also responds to psychological threats, like the hassles and pressures of everyday life. It can lead to overeating, alcoholism, smoking, drug abuse. It can also raise blood pressure, and be a contributory factor of heart attacks and insomnia.


Chronic stress can affect our emotions too. We can become easily irritated, frustrated and experience mood swings. Too much stress can rewire the brain to be more vigilant for danger, thus creating more anxiety and worry.
You may even experience overwhelm, or difficulty relaxing and quietening the mind.


It can be easy to want to blame another person or a situation for our stress levels. We may feel that the stress we are experiencing is out of our control. This can lead us to feel disconnected to others, and even to ourselves. We may no longer love or like ourselves. We may not even trust ourselves to make the right choices for us.

Where 0 is (none) and 10 (extreme)

If you score above a 5 you may experience these benefits from reducing your stress levels...

- You may be more productive in your day-to-day life.  
- You might have more energy to take on tasks.  
- You may experience a better quality of sleep.  
- You'll be more likely to stick to your diet and exercise routine.
 - Your relationships with friends, family and partners may improve.  
- Your immune system might improve, which means you'll be less likely to get sick or catch an illness.

Being a member of this programme will help you to raise your stress tolerance and feel more emotionally resilient

Many of those on the Stress Less & Worry Well Programme score themselves around an 8 at the start...

By the end of each session, their stress levels have, on average, reduced to a 2!

Not only will you feel calmer and more relaxed... 

Your family, friends and colleagues may experience the benefit too...

If you are feeling stressed out, it is not just you who will suffer from the consequences of your stress levels. Your friends, family and colleagues may too.

As you are feeling calmer and more relaxed...

- They may get to spend more time with you, instead of you spending all your time working.
 - They may not have to worry about whether or not you are going to be able to take care of yourself.
 - You might be able to participate more in family activities and events.  
- You may be less irritable and more able to listen and empathise with others.

When you reduce your stress levels, it helps them to feel calmer and relaxed too.

Are you ready to feel more calm and relaxed?
by using neuroscience based exercises

In a supportive group which meets twice a month, you'll discover and practice a variety of tools and techniques to help to experience a greater sense of peace and calm. This may result in reducing any symptoms of stress you may be experiencing. 

"A really good session in a supportive environment." A.W.


discover the power of MINDFUL presence
take responsibility for what you can change
learn how to cultivate supportive and encouraging language

discover inner peace with meditation
build your inner loving support group
discover the power of positive imagery to rewire your brain to worry well

With your new found feeling of calm and inner peace you'll be glad you made the decision to join

We are here to support you on your journey

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This programme is an ongoing programme, where we will focus and practice different techniques during each session. As there is no end date, you can cancel at any time. Although, there are no refunds for any sessions paid for.

We create positive changes when we commit to a programme. In order to maintain the confidentiality of those attending, and to create a safe space to share where they are, the won't be recorded. 

The first session is on Tuesday 24th May 2022 at 7pm UK time (2pm EST). The sessions will run on a Tuesday approximately two weeks apart. However, there will be some fluctuations due to holidays etc. Every event will be made to plan sessions which everyone can make.

Schedule of LIVE Tuesday sessions at 7pm UK time (if you want to book them in your diary in advance).  Please note that these dates may be subject to change  
24th May 2022,  7 June 2022,  21 June 2022,  5 July 2022,  19 July 2022,  2 August 2022,  9 August 2022,  13 September 2022,  27 September 2022,  11 October 2022,  25 October 2022,  8 November 2022,  22 November 2022,  6 December 2022,and 20 December 2022

Dr Debbie Clement-Large

Debbie Clement-Large is a personal development coach and founder of Why follow the Herd. She has helped countless professionals and entrepreneurs at all levels of success make lasting changes in their lives by focusing on two key areas: being consciously aware of the words and mental imagery they use. 

She holds a Doctorate in Consciousness Studies, and as a certified Life Coach, Meditation practitioner, Mindfulness practitioner, Hypnotherapy practitioner, Stress Management practitioner and licensed Spiritual Psychology Practitioner/Counsellor and Coach, Debbie melds intuitive, quantum and therapeutic practices together to create a powerful means of inner transformation.

Debbie is also the creator of the Creating Positive Change audio collection. This is for people who are passionate about self development, want to heal their past, deal with change, and gain new perspectives. This audio collection is designed to help you achieve success, overcome difficulty and find peace of mind.


"I thought it was a very well planned session with a number of different stress reducing exercises. Different techniques work well for different people so a variety in exercises was really helpful. Overall, a really good session in a supportive environment."

Are you ready to discover how to feel more calm and relaxed?

Stress Less & Worry Well Programme


per month

  • Your brain is designed to worry, buy you can learn to worry well.

Register NOW!